Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Dubrovnik - Shelby

Anders and I arrived in Dubrovnik last night after a pleasant day of travelling, and were delighted to find the owner of our guesthouse there to pick us up from the bus station, just as he had promised. We had no such luck in Istanbul, so I think that both of us were a little nervous in the backs of our minds. The place we're staying at is a guesthouse ran by an adorable old croatian couple, and this morning we woke up to breakfast and cranberry tea. We conversed in broken english as they both cooed in Croatian at the baby across the table from us, who belonged to another couple staying there. Todaz we walked a round about way to the old city, the walled district of Dubrovnik, and explored and went to a museum and an ancient church, as well as dined by the cliffs sharing soup and all you can eat salad.
Tomorrow we bus to Kortula, where we'll be for 5 days, then on to Florence!!
Having a wonderful time!

1 comment:

  1. Yea -- what a great way to start your experience in Croatia! I'm sure your schedule will be jam packed and that you won't need tips of things to do but I just found out this week that a good friend of Brad's is from Croatia and is currently having a large family reunion there. Small world! XXX 000
